Friday 16 March 2012


Change is such a subjective term. People want society to change, society wants culture to change, culture wants mentality to change, girls want boys to change and boys want girls to change, wives want husbands to change, husbands want to change wives, journalists want news to change, politicians want government to change and something wants something else to change or someone wants someone else to change and so on and on and on.

Talking about change is an utter wastage of time, because all what we want is to stay the same but we want everything else to change according to us, but again the problem is we would get used to that change and ultimately we will need a new change. In these modern times we need a lot of changes every day because lives are so dynamic. One of the many things amongst them is monetary change, and no, I am not talking about returning Cadbury éclairs in place of 1Re or 2Rs change, but what I am talking about is our frustration against our salaries and we want it to change, to greater values.

But even monetary change is not my problem, my problem is the change itself which is desired and assured, many times the change does occur but in an unwanted manner that completely changes our lives. We want so much to change, but what we really don’t change is ourselves because we have always loved ourselves, so changing ourselves would mean changing according to the world and that would mean hurting our own ego, so we are not going to change ourselves and we stress so hard on changing others, that had we put in that much effort in changing ourselves there would be an immediate immense change in everything around us.

But then we do change. Sometimes we change the truth, for a bitter, hollow satisfaction, sometimes we change ourselves temporarily, to impress someone, because that someone might bring in a happy change, or sometimes we simply change to change someone with someone new in our lives. The problem is, for everything genuine we change something genuine to such an extent that it loses genuineness  and that genuine something or someone is genuinely changed or we change ourselves according to something flashy and hollow and by the by losing our own genuineness and then we are genuinely changed.

So once again because change is important, it’s better that we realize what kind of a change is required and then change accordingly, instead of changing someone else and thinking that he has changed from someone to someone else we have to realize our thinking has changed and nothing else, if it is right then it needs to be supported or otherwise, it needs to, well you know it, change.

But then because change to change genuine mentality to something really changed from originally changed thoughts and mentalities, it is better that to think first and then change because the change will be a successful change only when the way of our thinking changes otherwise as we change we might change into someone really changed and then we look at us and say, wow, we have changed! And then everyone around us will say, hey, you really changed, and then you regret what you have changed into. But we are humans and we won’t change because we are selfish and lazy and that will never change and ultimately nothing will change. This is too much and we deserve a topic change.


  1. I think what u have wanted to express here is that change if at all should occur, should be a positive one. And i completely agree. and also liked how u have begun it by saying that we all want so many things to change but ourselves. and even if we want to change ourselves, v r not very willing for it. good luck for the post!


  2. I think the words of Deepak Chopra, "“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” sum up this post extremely well. A sure-shot winner, Sahil! Great grammar is something that is extremely unpopular among the posts in this competition! A refreshing change! :)

    Can you please read & promote my post here? :)
