Wednesday 14 July 2010

A Promise

I stand on one end of the sky
On the other, lies my home

I see a storm coming by
Willing to break my wings
To hold my flight

But I shall fly in its face
Never shall I let my wings break
If I ever lose my pace
I shall rest and wait

But never shall I lose my faith
I will return to my nest
I will be safe and sound
I will bring smiles and Grace
I will never leave tears behind

I will complete my journey home
I will sleep in peace
With my family in my place

To everyone back home
Who wish to see me shine
With my wings spread out bright

I will never let my wings break
I will shine amidst the infinite sky
I will fly against all the obstructions
I will complete my journey home

To everyone back home,
And first and foremost,
To myself,

I hereby make A Promise