Sunday 22 May 2011

Strings of a Violin- Director's Interpretation

As my movie "Strings of a violin" is out, there are a few things I want

everyone to understand, while the basic plot, everyone knows it, that A

girl, who is unwilling to choreograph the ramp walk, while she is great at

it, but she was demotivated in the very beginning and stops doing what she

wants to,

Now here starts our film, we explore mind of a human being unhappy because

she is unable to do what she is, while she is unhappy, it is obvious she

would rather be lost in her world where she would see things as she would,

Now the starting scene.....
Where Maya walks through a few people........... later, they disappear....

This is a personification, that when you are lost in your own world, you

avoid, acknowledging others, for a long time at various points of time she

is shown alone, which is representation of her loneliness,

in another dream, where she sees, few people standing around her,

represents, that, she herself deserves that stardom as the Tall boy, even

she would love to have people around her, but that's not the reality,

reality is no one is around her and she is lonely.

She sees a ramp walk, without her choreography, it is disastrous, she wants

to bring them back to synchronization but she was insulted and again moves 

away from them,

Dialog is a clue to her mind, said at various points of time. A clue in between the scenes and also to the forthcoming scenes. The first dialog that Ria speaks clues that she fails to recogonize others. like the scene one and the next one. When robin asks her to choreograph, she refuses because she doesn't want to entertain his attention seekers, the very next scene is a dream where she herself desires to be entertained by them, but that is not the reality. Immedeately after, Ria tells her that she deserves to be a star, but for that she has show her abilities. In the following scene, she sees without her the ramp walk is so uncoordinated and disastrous,  but finds herself deserted, then Ria tells her the she herself has got her deserted. Maya wants to choreograph, but because she was called crazy she feels estranged. In the next scene, Robin tells her that he doesn't want her artistic abilities, he just want her to be happy, and to be what she actually is.

And That is the whole point of the film, when a human being does what he wants to do, he is happy, and once he his happy, he is free to be whatever he wants to be.

If you carefully listen to the dialog, Robin(The tall boy)'s dialog is

formatted to remind her, to do what she should and Ria(The other girl, with

red T-shirt) was written to remind her to drift away from her loneliness

and stop running away from her free will and find what she deserves.

The linear narrative:
The movie actually starts with the tall boy, coming in and the models stand

up and converge towards him, when she comes, she doesn't acknowledge them,

they do not acknowledge her, she sees, the ramp walk, choreographed till

now, without her, first of all the ramp walk itself is, one of the oldest

and most watched, then it is absolutely absurd, uncoordinated and

disastrous, The tall celebrity, comes to him and asks her to coordinate she

refuses, Ria tells her what she is doing is wrong, she leaves the

auditorium, Ria says, she is willingly "Flowing the stream" so that no one

acknowledges her, she is again lonely, she reaches the stage, where she

always visualizes the coordinated movement of Ramp walk, there Ria, again

reminds her that her loneliness is self imposed, Robin, Tells her he just

wants her be what she is and she should be happy doing it, that's all. She

visualizes the choreography and ramp walk sequence. The last scene is the

scene when a girl calls her, and asks about the inspiration of her

choreography, she simply tells her she needed an opportunity to "SPEAK",

then only she can be what she is supposed to be.

The [Day]Dream sequences and Reality:
Only The last indoor sequence, the dialog between Tanya and Maya, The scene

where, Disorganized ramp walk practise takes place, at the same place,

Robin and Ria try to console her, are reality, whenever and wherever, rest

all of them are either Dreams or memories or both.

Rest all the outdoor scenes, are dreams. As soon as she is inspired,

very quickly in her mind she sets the postions and sequence of the model as

it would be on stage. It starts with random positions of models to

represent their disorganized behaviour, to queing up and slowly slowly she

organizes them into a fashion show sequence.

It is then in an indoor location, where a girl asks her inspiration, it is

the mind of her, and old days and her subconcious, where things had

happened earlier to her, are shown, that is the film that audience see,

where memories and dreams, the parts of her subconcious are mixed, and

ultimatley she tells the Girl all she wanted was to "Speak", here speak is

the organized, coordinated ramp walk that reflects the organization and

coordination of her mind, then only she will be what she is supposed to be.

The very last clip, where she is shown to examine and supposedly,

finalizing the choregraphy.

The whole narrative is formatted in order to feel the audience, the way

when you come back from a place, for example when you return to hostel from

college, alone and you are, say, lost in your own world, you reach from the

college to the hostel, and suddenly you realize, alright, you are here.

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